Saturday, June 25, 2011

Wow it is HOT!!

It was another extremely hot day here at our dealership in Tucson. One of the worst parts about the summer is jumping into a hot car. I've heard the temperature inside a hot car can approach 150 degrees! (A medium-well steak's internal temperature is 150 degrees) Sure window shades, and window tint can lower the temperature down to a slightly more manageable level and are relatively inexpensive but neither compare to the happiness I experienced yesterday. Yesterday one of our dealers, about to go on a test drive with an LTZ Chevrolet Traverse, asked me move up the SUV for the customer. Let me tell you that model just became my favorite Chevy. When I got in the car I immediately noticed a little snowflake above the chair symbol on the instrument panel. After pushing it sure enough cool air rushed up from the seats. Of course this is a lot more expensive than window tint or a window shade, but it sure made my day.

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